Thursday, June 11, 2015

Mo Deestrukshun

A little more progress has been made in the bathroom.

For starters, we spent $2,900 for a new bath tub, faucet and drain. Since that's most of our budget, we're finished.

Here's what it looks like right now.
My job for tonight was to try and get as much of the ceiling down as possible. The Plumbers will need access in order to connect venting.

I did pretty well. The last vestige of burgundy wall and ceiling is gone forever.

This weekend will be removing the flooring. More access for the Plumbers. They have a difficult enough task in front of them as it is.

Susan has been upstairs cleaning in preparation for the upcoming Solstice party, this year being held one week late. We have gotten a good jump on the cleaning. And when I say "we", I mean her.

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