Thursday, February 19, 2015

Mr. & Mrs. Shitload

We bottled 27 bottles of Cabernet on Monday night. We had filtered it the night before and noticed how faded it was. Just two months ago, I took a sample into Jim's Home Brew to see if I should oak it. They all thought it was fine as is. And it was dark and rich looking. You know, like a Cabernet.

We ended up letting it sit another two months simply because we couldn't remember to get to it. When I checked it on Saturday, it had faded in color quite a bit. Not quite a blush, but definitely not a Cab.

It still tasted okay so we elected to bottle it and call it Pink Cab.

I bring this up only because I finally got around to moving the bottles to the basement, only to find I have nowhere in my wine racks to store it.

That means we have a SHITLOAD of wine.

It is time to stop acquire wine and start drinking it. 

So tonight I have opened a cheeky little Syrah that we purchased the grapes for in 2012 and bottled in 2013 We entered it in the fair in 2013 and it placed remarkably unremarkable in the competition. That is to say, I don't remember. Another way to say that is, it didn't win.

It's very fruit forward in aroma and disappointing in taste. It's drinkable...don't get me wrong. But it tastes coarse to me for a Syrah. It's very bitter at the start, which kind of squashes any flavor that comes after. And it's parsimonious!

However, I have several bottles of this and it's growing on me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So it tastes rather like Parsimons? Mmmm... interesting. I so wish I had some with me know.