Thursday, February 14, 2013

Val Day

It's Valentine's Day. We had a wonderful Valentine's Dinner.

Yesterday was Ash Wednesday so Lent has started. That means Susan and I are following the South Beach diet. No alcohol for two weeks, lots of protein, no carbs.

Dinner was two barbequed steaks, some lemon green beans and cauliflower processed to the consistency of mashed potatoes. Yum!

Plus jello for dessert. Yum!

By the way, Norman is floating right side up least for today!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Norman Update Part One

We are on a death watch for about the nintieth time. Norman the giant deformed goldfish has been looking like this for a couple of days.
He has looked like this before and lived we're not too terribly concerned this time. However, Norman's passing will be relief and a blessed event. 

It's not that we won't miss him. I don't want to come off as insensitive. But he is a fish. He's not cuddly or affectionate on anything. He swims and he shits. 

So we will miss him, but not a lot.

Once again, he's pulled this before.

Norman started out life as a tiny little feeder fish. Susan got him for me when we first started going out. That means Norman is around 13. I wasn't sure how many years a goldfish lives. Suffice it to say, at least thirteen.

We had to keep moving him to larger and larger tanks as he grew and then outgrew his environment. He now resides in a thirty gallon tank that we borrowed from a friend about five years ago. We certainly didn't think we would need to borrow the aquarium this long.

I'll update as needed!

Sunday, February 03, 2013

Super Bowl Flu Day

I started coming down with it on Wednesday night. I knew Thursday was going to be unpleasant at work and I was right. I made it until 10. Then I went home sick.

I slept most of the day. I wasn't feeling horrible. In fact, I really had a hard time trying to pin down what my ailments were. I was stuffy and had a runny noses but no headache. I was kind of sore but not achy. I didn't feel bad enough to stay in bed but not good enough to be at work. 

Friday was a scheduled vacation day that I spent in bed. I was feeling better towards the end of the day but not good enough to go to the Hub for a Susan wanted. She did mention she felt she might be coming down with whatever I had. 

It overtook her during the night. She woke up about 12:30AM with the flu. I can pretty distinctly remember that I felt pretty good at 7:30AM on Saturday.

Even now, late on Sunday night, I'm not 100% back. Of course, I didn't start the decline at 100%. Let's say I started at 85%. Right now, I'm at 75%.
Anyway, we stayed home today and watched XLVII. It turned out to be a good game, despite the power loss.

As for any work being done on the house, it was a wasted weekend.